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Smart Lipo / Laser Lipo
Under the modern concept, “ Less is more”, we use the new technology and innovation in order to less your time together
What is endoscopic facelift?
Endoscopic facelifts make use of the latest technology, using small insicions (often less than one inch in lenght) that are easily hidden. The surgeon performing the endoscopic facelift inserts the endoscope probe, a small camera, and tiny instruments throuhg these incisions.
SmartCone Lift / Silhouette Lift
SmartCone/Silhouette sutures are the latest US FDA approved threads. The SmartCone/Silhouette suture is different from barbed sutures like Aptos thread.
Thermage for Cellulite
According to a recent study1 nearly 90% of women experience some degree of cellulite and demand for non-invasive cellulite treatments in the U.S. is expected to nearly double to over 750,000 procedures per year by 2011.
What is O-Laser?
Axillary osmidrosis and hyperhidrosis are distressing social problems, particularly in Asian societies. They caused by excessive secretion of apocrine and eccrine glands, which cause a malodor and excessive sweating. Topical astringents are temporary and inadequate.
Forehead and Brow Lift
The drooping or lowering of the eyebrows is frequently one of the earliest signs of aging. This condition is often overlooked because most people are unaware of the problem and its correction can provide the marked improvement.
Lipo Fil (Fat Injection)
Fat transfer, also called autologous fat transplantation or micro-lipoinjection, is the technique of moving fat from one area of the body to another to improve contour, correct defects, or enhance features.
What material is used for Chin Augmentation?
The material of choice for chin augmentation is Silastic (medical-grade silicone rubber). Because the implants rest directly on top of bone, they feel as if they were part of the bone itself. As an alternative to an implant, fat or Outline ultra may also be used to augment the bone and soft tissue of the chin.
Possible Risks and Complication
As with any surgery, there are some risks but problems are rare. Your chin implant could shift out of alignment, requiring an additional surgery to correct the placement. As with any type of surgery, you could get an infection after the operation.
Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentation yields one of the most dramatic and gratifying outcomes in facial plastic surgery. The goal of the procedure is to balance the profile by enhancing the under developed chin and improving facial harmony.
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190-192 Siam Square Soi 1, Praram 1 Rd,Pratumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel. (662) 658-4884, (662) 658-4885 Fax. (662) 658-4886