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Siam Swan Cosmetic Clinic | Breast & Body Surgery


To enhance your breast, silicone implant is not the only one choice, fat stem cell or fat transfers for breast augmentation are quite popular now. Among several liposuction technologies like as Vaser, Laserlipo, Smartlipo and REAL, surgeon expertise is still the most important factor to achieve the best result in body contouring procedure.
To reduce the localized unwanted deposited excess fat and to reshape the body, liposuction is still a gold standard procedure in this field. Liposuction may be useful for contouring under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankle areas.
Many women choose to have their breasts enlarged in order to satisfy their own desire for a fuller bustline. Your breasts may not have developed to a size that meets your expectations, or one breast may be significantly smaller than the other.
Loss of skin elasticity, gravity and other factors such as weight loss, pregnancy and breast-feeding ultimately affect the shape and firmness of your breasts. Patients who are generally satisfied with the size of their breasts can have a breast lift to raise and firm them, resulting in a more youthful breast contour.
Nipple reduction is the procedure to shorten the length of the nipples themselves. Having long nipples can be a consequence of breast feeding your children or a genetic predisposition. They can be very obvious in tight fitting shirts or bras and may be considered an embarrassment by some women.
Oversized breast or gynecomastia is one of the biggest fear in men. Male breast enlargements are commonly found in young men between the ages of 19-30 who are bodybuilders. Overweight young boys and elders are easily developed gynecomastia condition.
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190-192 Siam Square Soi 1, Rama 1 Rd., Pratumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel. (662) 658-4884, (662) 658-4885 Fax. (662) 658-4886